Willamette Valley ManKind Project
January 2022 Newsletter

An audio recording of this newsletter narrated by Comm. team member, Russ Born.
Inspiration of the month
Informational Podcast:
#63 – Hero Rise: The 5 Masculine Archetypes – w/ Isaac Cotec 
By: The Evolving Man Podcast – 
Ben Goresky
A new year is upon us and a new energy may follow.
This is a great time to use that drive to also dive deeper into your I-Group(s).Here are a few suggestions that may help some work unfold.

You can put the names of your I-Group members into a list and the picker will then spin and randomly choose a person. You can use this to decide who the king is going to be, who the facilitator will be, who will work and so on.
  •  Here is a Jump start kit that has a list of processes and areas one could focus on in order to get some good work done.


  • Help build your MKP Community.
What makes the ManKind Project run?
It takes three things: Volunteers, revenues from NWTAs and contributions from members.
What’s missing during Covid?
NWTAs are missing.
The New Warrior Training Adventures have traditionally been the major revenue source for the organization and now that source is gone. This means that we’re relying more heavily on volunteers while services are being cut back just at the time that they’re needed most.
What can one man do?
Join us as a volunteer or join us as a contributing member. Currently about ⅓ of all WV MKP members are contributing monthly to MKP. We invite you to become a contributing member and during your next circle, invite your brothers to join you as a contributing member. Here is a link to become a contributing member. 


What makes the ManKind Project run?
You do.

Not currently in an I-Group but interested in joining one in the new year, contact us at info@wvmkp.org and we will assist you in connecting with a group in your area

Let’s all welcome our local Brother, Kelly Staines from the Eugene area who has accepted the position of NW Area I-Group Coordinator. 
Thanks for stepping up Kelly! 
More from Kelly soon to follow.
Our own Willamette Valley Steve Newcomb has stepped into leadership of the entire Northwest Area as the Area Steward.
Steve’s focus for the next few months is: 
  • Strengthen I-Groups and encourage cross group connections
  • Fill vacancies in Area leadership (Community Coordinators, I-Group chairs)
  • Offer some small community level I-Group leadership training (maybe in-person?)
  • Develop an Area newsletter
Message from Steve:

The big question everybody keeps asking is when are we having an NWTA? We don’t know. We’ll start by putting at least one NWTA on the calendar for the summer and we won’t hold any training that’s not safe. 

What can you do? Keep your groups strong and safe, reach out at the community level and make some connections with other groups, start looking inside to see what you can see for yourself by stepping into a team at the community or Area level.


Holiday Humor

Man Park – SNL 
What are your thoughts on this?

Share it with us at info@wvmkp.org

New Year’s Eve: Celebration & Connection
The MKP USA Mission Circle will host an evening of connection for New Warriors, MKP Online Participants, and invited Guests.

The Gathering will begin at 11pm eastern time and continue until the New Year Reaches HawaiiWe know that this time of year can be difficult. And in this time of COVID, we are also aware that there are many of us who will be alone on New Year’s Eve who might have been hoping to be with others for this time.

We will gather, connect, share stories and check in. No one needs to be alone.

The Event is FREE. Registration is not required.

AND we would love to have as many folks as possible come and spend time with us and hold space in the room. To put yourself on our big list of hosts and space-holders –
 view the event and add yourself to the list.

We will have several breakout rooms available. There will be a countdown timer running in the main room, and rooms set up for deeper connection, for music, for New Warriors, and more.

View the Event

Looking for a growth opportunity

MKP has a number of training opportunities. A sampling is below.
To see the entire list, go here

Sessions start Jan. 9th, 2022
Learn More
start Jan. 18th, 2022
Learn More
start Feb. 6th, 2022
Learn More
Brothers, do you know a man who’s not sitting in a men’s circle?
We have a place for them.
Open Men’s Group, 1st & 3rd Monday’s, 7-9 PM, online meetings:
Password: 202020

We want to hear from you

-What would you like to see in future newsletters
-Any challenges or victories in your group that you would like to share.

Email us directly with your thoughts or communication needs at  info@wvmkp.org

You are receiving this email as you have been identified as a ManKind project man at one time present in the Willamette Valley

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